Nijhia Paul
Njihia Paul is a contemporary Kenyan artist living in Kiambu county, in Kenya. His interest in artwork peaked when he visited an art gallery in Nairobi County sometime later in his life. The self-taught Njihia began his painting career using acrylic paints and made his own canvases using proceeds from his job as a hair stylist. With a path littered with many challenges and also successes and Njihia has grown to fully embrace art-his passion- as a career. He mentors other budding artists to work on their talents and holds different art exhibitions with other young artists. Most of the art works that Njihia has worked on are commissioned. The African woman and past events inspire his artwork. Colour, to Njihia points to the transcendency of the physical universe. Just like a musician communicates through music, paint communicates to us through the markings on canvas. From art to the heart!
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