Abdul Jabbar Khan, from a small town called Khanot which is approximately 40km away from Hyderabad Sindh. Completed his BFA in 2021(with painting as a major and graduating with a distinction) from SABSU (Shaheed Allah Bux Soomro university of arts design and heritage)previously known as CEAD (Centre of Excellence Arts and Design)..Since childhood, he always loves to draw and to do something new. nature and surroundings always inspired him to do his artworks. He always enjoys exploring new mediums. In 4 years he has explored many mediums to polish his skills to do art in different ways, his thesis was on charcoal medium.
“Black hands white earning : Black dust is my life scattered around me in form of Coal. The labors all the day work and dig out coal in mines are directly connected to my soul. The dark black color and sharp scratches on Coal attracted me to select that material for my Artwork. I found this material much more convenient to express my feelings and thoughts. By mixing coal with pastels and other Art materials I have fixed some compositions to depict that life.”